March 17, 2015

Stacey Porzl laughs at the idea that she might get some strange looks from joggers or dog walkers who happen upon her dutifully rushing through drills on the schoolyard blacktop near her house.

The Hasbrouck Heights junior is convinced that all those hours spent honing her shot in blistering heat or steady drizzle — with an unamused passerby or two as the only companionship — made a big difference in her long-range shooting this winter.

She refers to the North 1, Group 1 final on March 9, when her 25-foot heave banked in and set the Aviators on a course toward their 40-27 victory over Wood-Ridge.

The basket gave her team a three-point edge in the seconds before halftime – and momentum for the rest of the game.

“I took a dribble and I had this girl in my face, so I just threw it up,” said Porzl, The Record Female Athlete of the Week. “That was a big moment.