DIRECTIONS TO Garfield High School
500 Palisade Ave
ALL baseball, softball, track, boys’ tennis, and boys’ volleyball will be played at the high school.
ALL Soccer, middle school baseball, softball, and track/field will be played at the High School field.
From Rt. 46 West or East
- Take the Outwater Lane exit down the hill into Garfield.
- At the second traffic light0Palisade Ave.) turn right and continue to the Gym
From Rt. 4, Fair Lawn West or East
- Take Midland Ave (By the Highway Theater) south for three (3) traffic lights into Garfield (Outwater Lane)
- Turn right and continue to the next traffic light (Palisade Ave )
- Turn right on Palisade Ave and continue to the Gym.
From Rt 80 West or East
- Take Exit 61-River Road South to Garfield High School
- Go Under Rt. 46 to Outwater Lane traffic Light (Dunkin Donuts is on your left)
- Make a left turn onto Outwater Lane to the first traffic light (Palisade Ave )
- Make a left onto Palisade Ave and continue to the Gym
60 Elizabeth St
MS Cross Country
Freshman / Junior Varsity Softball
From Rt. 46 East or West:
- Rt. 46 West to Outwater Lane Exit
- At first traffic light (Midland Ave, Getty gas station on left, turn left
- One mile on left-Elizabeth St.-turn left & field is 100 yards on right
- Traveling East on Rt. 46—take same Outwater Lane Exit, but turn right at top of
the ramp and continue to traffic light, follow as above.
From Rt. 80 West from GW Bridge
- Exit #61 (Gar/EP), turn left at light at end of ramp and follow River Road South for two mile to Outwater Lane at light (Dunkin Donuts).
- Turn left on Outwater to second light (Midland Ave), turn right about Ѕ mile to Elizabeth St. on left. Park entrance about 100 yards on right.
From Garden State Parkway North
- Exit 157 East-go past third light to Outwater Lane Exit.
- Turn right at top of exit and go down the hill to traffic light (Midland Ave_
- Continue about Ѕ mile to Elizabeth St. make left Park entrance about 100 yards on right.
175 Lanza Ave
Rt. 46 East or West:
- Exit River Road and travel south one-half mile to Semel Ave. (Gulf station on left, Bank on Right side)
- Left turn on Semel Ave—four blocks to Middle School on left
Rt. 80 East or West:
- Exit # 61 River Road
- Travel South on River Rd. one mile to Semel Ave.
- Left turn on Semel Ave-four blocks to Middle School on left
Rt. 4 East or West:
- Get off at Boulevard (shopping center, traffic light)-South to Garfield High School
- Cross Rt. 46 to first traffic light (Semel Ave)
- Turn right on Semel Ave.-go through light-Middle School on right
DIRECTIONS to Spring Street Field
60 Spring St
Middle School Boys/Girls Soccer
From Route 46 West or East:
- Take Outwater Lane exit down the hill into Garfield, go through the light at Outwater Lane and Midland Avenue.
- After crossing the railroad tracks, take the second left (Chestnut St.)
- Turn left on Schley St. and make first right on Spring St. to field
From Route 4, West* or East:
- Take Midland Ave. (by Highway Theater) south for (4) traffic lights into Garfield (Outwater Lane)
- Turn right on Outwater Lane and follow directions to Chestnut St. as above
- If traveling West on Route 4, you must go past Midland Avenue and make right at Plaza Road and make first right then left and you will be on Midland Avenue
From Route 80 West or East:
- Take Exit 61 – River Road to Garfield
- Go under Route 46 to Outwater Lane to first traffic light (Dunkin Donut is on your left)
- Make left, go though light (Outwater Lane and Palisades Ave.), past High School and up a hill
- At top of hill, look for Chestnut St. on your right, make right to Schley St., make left to first street, Spring St., field is on left.